by mycircus·
December 31, 2018·
in 2019, Uncategorized·
tags: 2019, adventure, adventures, Africa, art, champagne, circus, Craddle, creativity, director, downer, dreams, filmmaker, focus, gahigiri, happiness, happy, Happy New Year, health, HNY2019, Humankind, igerssouthafrica, inside, InsideThePyramid, kantarama, love, movies, new, Nirox, paradise, peace, productions, projects, Realness, residency, resolutions, South, success, sun, sunrise, sunset, Tanzanite, WomenDirectors, WomenFilmmakers, year
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by mycircus·
October 31, 2018·
in 2018, 2019, News·
tags: adventure, adventures, Africa, art, Blondie, Campus, cinécitation, cinema, circus, cornelia, creativity, director, dreams, ecranbenin, filmmaker, filmmaking, gahigiri, glele, happiness, happy, health, inspiration, kantarama, love, movies, new, peace, Perspective, productions, projects, quote, resolutions, success, Tanzanite, Woman, WomenDirectors, WomenFilmmakers, year
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Campus Radio Nairobi.
by mycircus·
October 11, 2018·
in 2018, News·
tags: adventure, adventures, Africa, art, Blondie, Campus, circus, creativity, director, dreams, filmmaker, filmmaking, gahigiri, happiness, happy, health, inspiration, kantarama, Kenya, love, Marlyne Oyugi, movies, Nairobi, new, peace, Perspective, productions, projects, Radio, resolutions, Rooftop, success, Tanzanite, Thursday, Woman, WomenDirectors, WomenFilmmakers, year
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by mycircus·
March 22, 2018·
in 2018, Uncategorized·
tags: adventure, adventures, Africa, art, circus, creativity, director, dreams, filmmaker, gahigiri, happiness, happy, health, inside, InsideThePyramid, inspiration, kantarama, love, movies, new, peace, productions, projects, pyramid, resolutions, success, Tanzanite, WomenDirectors, WomenFilmmakers, year
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Spreading the fire.
by mycircus·
March 14, 2018·
in 2018, Workshops·
tags: business, cinema, circus, directing, discussion, film, filmmaking, gahigiri, industry, ka(RA)mi, kamiawori, kantarama, Lausanne, masterclass, movie, Network, panel, producing, productions, school, students, switzerland, teaching, workshop
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If the world was yours (bis)…
by mycircus·
February 27, 2018·
in 2018, News, Uncategorized·
tags: Africa, african, africanfilm, aKoma, ATSKGL, avant-premiere, Berlin, berlinale, carpet, cinema, circus, continent, diversity, dream, Europe, Festival, Fiction, film, filmmaking, FollowYourDreams, future, gahigiri, germany, hailegerima, iffr, iffr2018, iftheworldwasyours, International, kantarama, kigali, marriott, movie, netherlands, NeverLetGo, nouvelle, officeoftheday, panafrican, panafricancinematoday, panel, premiere, productions, red, rotterdam, rwanda, storytelling, Summit, Tech, today's office, todaysoffice, trends, vague, WomenDirectors, WomenFilmmakers, workinafrica, workshops, world
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by mycircus·
January 01, 2018·
in 2018, Uncategorized·
tags: adventure, adventures, Africa, art, circus, creativity, director, downer, dreams, filmmaker, gahigiri, happiness, happy, health, hippo, inside, InsideThePyramid, kantarama, love, Luangwa, movies, new, Park, peace, productions, projects, pyramid, resolutions, River, South, success, sun, sunset, Tanzanite, WomenDirectors, WomenFilmmakers, year, Zambia
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Closing Ceremony of the Global Migration Film Festival.
by mycircus·
December 18, 2017·
in 2017, Films 2017·
tags: 18, award, Cassel, Ceremony, circus, Closing, Competition, Day, December, Deghati, directing, duty, Festival, film, gahigiri, Geographic, global, industry, International, iom, journey, jury, kantarama, Matthew, member, Migrants, migration, movie, NatGeo, national, Nations, producing, productions, Reza, UN, United
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Teaching for aKomanet x 4 countries.
by mycircus·
October 16, 2017·
in 2017, Workshops·
tags: Accra, Africa, african, aKoma, aKomanet, Amplify, bloggers, circus, directing, discussion, EAN, East, Fellowship, film, filmmakers, gahigiri, Ghana, industry, kantarama, Kenya, kigali, Lagos, masterclass, movie, Nairobi, Network, Nigeria, panel, photographers, producing, productions, rwanda, Story, storybuilders, storydoers, storymakers, storytellers, students, teaching, university, videoconference, videographers, vloggers, workshop, writers, Youth
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Semi-Finals: Being a judge for a day.
by mycircus·
September 13, 2017·
in 2017, Workshops·
tags: Africa, african, Alliance, British Council, circus, Competition, Dar es Salaam, directing, discussion, EAN, East, European, EYFC, film, Finals, Française, gahigiri, industry, kantarama, Kenya, masterclass, movie, Nairobi, Network, panel, producing, productions, semi-finals, students, Tanzania, teaching, Union, university, workshop, Youth
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