Né Pour Mourir – a western by the Tapis Rouge Family.
by mycircus·
March 13, 2017·
in 2015, 2016, 2017, Films 2015, Films 2016, Films 2017·
tags: Almeria, born, carpet, cinemas, circus, die, feature, film, France, gahigiri, kantarama, Kenya, Lausanne, leone, Mini-Hollywood, mourir, Nairobi, né, officeoftheday, pour, production, red, rouge, scenes, screening, sergio, shoot, Spain, studio, Tabernas, tapis, theatrical, today's office, west, western
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Adventures in Editing.
by mycircus·
November 15, 2016·
in 2015, 2016, Films 2015, Films 2016·
tags: behind, challenge, circus, documentary, editing, Festival, film, gahigiri, garden, kantarama, maze, movie, moviemagic, officeoftheday, Point Prod, post-production, productions, project, RTS, scenes, Series, studio, swiss, today's office, TV, untitled, WomenDirectors, WomenFilmmakers
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Part 2.
by mycircus·
August 21, 2016·
in 2015, 2016, Films 2015, Films 2016·
tags: Almeria, behind, carpet, circus, feature, film, gahigiri, kantarama, Lausanne, leone, Mini-Hollywood, officeoftheday, part 2, production, red, rouge, scenes, secret, sergio, shoot, Spain, studio, Tabernas, tapis, today's office, west, western
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New Year’s Resolutions.
by mycircus·
January 11, 2016·
in 2016, Uncategorized·
tags: 20th, Angeles, art, board, Century, circus, creativity, dedication, director, Fox, fun, gahigiri, geneva, good, kantarama, LA, Los, Los Angeles, new, productions, resilience, resolution, screenwriting, script, studio, times, work, writer, year
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Editing Stop Motion Animation.
by mycircus·
November 05, 2015·
in 2014, 2015, 2017, Music Videos 2014, Music Videos 2015, Music Videos 2017·
tags: Angel, animation, behind, challenge, circus, editing, film, gahigiri, kantarama, Landscapes, Less, Lost, Lost Angel Less, maze, motion, movie, moviemagic, officeoftheday, post-production, productions, project, scenes, stop, studio, swiss, today's office, WomenDirectors, WomenFilmmakers
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by mycircus·
May 05, 2015·
in 2015, 2016, Films 2015, Films 2016·
tags: Almeria, behind, carpet, circus, feature, film, gahigiri, kantarama, leone, Mini-Hollywood, officeoftheday, production, red, rouge, scenes, sergio, shoot, Spain, studio, Tabernas, tapis, today's office, west, western
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Tapis Rouge color correction and magic.
by mycircus·
May 22, 2014·
in 2013, 2014, Films 2013, Films 2014·
tags: behind, cannes, carpet, circus, color, correction, editing, feature, Festival, film, freestudios, gahigiri, grading, kantarama, movie, post-production, productions, red, road, rouge, scenes, studio, tapis
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